This weekend I was REALLY in the mood to make Evie some head bling. I don't know why, she just pulls them off or out seconds after I wrestle them on her. I think it is because her hair no longer resembles a mullet but actually IS one and until we get near a children's hair cutter there is nothing I can do but try and hide it under flowers and bows :) I also spent a lot of time perusing children's clothes sites since her shorts are coming dangerously close to being "bootie" length and we have a cruise to go on in a few months! I got kinda bummed though because everything is sooooo expensive. I hmmed and hawd over ordering Evie this dress from Elias and Grace that I have been mooning over for a while.

But oh my goodness 50 euro? I decided I would just have to see if I could make one myself. I had some very special fabric sent to me by Jessica over at the Planner and the Procrastinator and the adorable Etsy shop Chirpy Designs that I had been saving and saving and you know dying to use but not wanting to use because then it would be gone? It is called Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson. Well I busted it out and went to town. I am in love with the dress that came out of it and the resulting headband.
I mixed it up a bit and put the buttons in the front, I thought it was a bit boring without them :) Below you will find a tutorial for the dress and I am thinking I will try to put a pattern up on Monday for those who feel a bit safer sewing with one. If you love the headband, well let me tell you it is soooo easy!
For the fabric rosette you can follow my tutorial at the end of THIS blog post. For the gathered flower you can follow the fabulous tutorial found HERE on one of my fav blogs Heart Made. I then totally copied her stacked circle flower from her etsy shop and added my own little felt bow on the end. Felt bows are pretty self explanatory but if you would like a step by step head over to my friend Elizabeth's blog HERE for a tute. I am not going to lie I loved the finished product so much when Evie went to bed I put it on and wore it around for a while.
I just used really thin elastic hot glued onto the felt as the headband. It is less noticeable then stretchy lace and I thought the headband had enough going on without adding anything else. Her orange leggings are of course from my favorite leggings shop We Love Colors. They really are fabulous and have EVERY color you can imagine. Now funny story, I made the dress during morning nap while daddy taught the boys how to bowl on the Wii (yes my boys don't know how to play Wii a fact I am rather proud of) then I made the headband (two actually the second to debut later) during afternoon nap. I was so excited to have it all done and wanted to take pictures that evening but every time I tried to get the dress on Evie she would throw a MASSIVE fit. I mean lat down and cry onto the tile floor while kicking her legs fit. Then she would go limp as a noodle so I couldn't get any appendages in the appropriate places. It finally got dark and then I just resigned myself to seeing if it actually fit. I tried treats and books and bribes. Finally I said "Evie? Do you want to go to bed or try on your dress?" She looked at me and said "Bed." Then picked up her blankie and walked into her room. Yeah. I was totally sad. This morning though a bribe to go walk on the beach did the trick. She was one happy camper!
It was really nice to be alone on the beach front as well. Sunday mornings are pretty darn peaceful in front of our house.
Thankfully Daddy came with me to coax out a few smiles
And after only a short walk on the beach Evie didn't even cry when I told her it was time to go in...
maybe it was because I actually said "Do you want to go home and take off your dress?" That did the trick ha! If you would like to learn how to make the dress simply click below and read more! If not I hope your weekend is as full of beautiful things as ours was!
I will try and get the pattern for the two dress pieces up on Monday. I simply free hand drew mine and I promise it is really forgiving because you gather so much of it :) You will also need to make some homemade bias tape. A fabulous tutorial can be found HERE at MADE. I used about a half a yard of fabric for this dress minus the bias tape, which always eats up a ton :(You will need to cut two. The front and the back are identical
(sorry I spelled together wrong)
It was at this point that I also hemmed the dress, just to get that part out of the way
Topstitch the bias tape into place
Hem to bottom long edges of both butterfly sleeves
The finished dress, headband and leggings
A close up of the headband for those who might want to make it
So there you have it! Not to hard right? And come on, how cute is it all together when you get a big cheessers to go with it?

DARLING! just darling. I love the way the bottom of her leggings bite into her little ankles. All of mine have lost that babyness. So cute!
ReplyDeleteHi Kelly, I love your blog & read it all the time. Thank you for sharing all the patterns and tutorials. I also love the glimpse into your life...what an adventure!
ReplyDeletewow! How is that you constantly outdo yourself?!? I seriously cannot wait to make this dress! I am so doing this asap!
ReplyDeleteOh and Evie is absolutely GORGEOUS! I mean every time I see her she just gets cuter and cuter! I wish my Evie would grow more hair so we could do cute pigtails!
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love! Bookmarking it immediately!!! Might even move to the top of my to-do list. Have I mentioned how much I love this?
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Love it! Thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteWow! beautiful pictures and adorable dress! Precious precious model! The tutorial was very easy to follow thanks
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful model! Headband's on kids are adorable and this one is wonderfully executed.
ReplyDeleteI so wish I had confidence to make this without a pattern!!
ReplyDeleteI love the way you tell stories. That is hilarious that she chose bed over putting on the dress - though I'm sure you wouldn't agree, at least, not at the time. I'm so glad you're "back." I always look forward to reading your new posts and was sad during your absence. Sleep is important though! This dress is beautiful. You did a great job with the whole outfit, from headband to tights.
ReplyDeleteYou're gonna have to slow down. I haven't done the shirt for me yet and now I've got this dress to do, too! You must be feeling a little better; glad your energy is picking back up! Thanks so much for the instructions - it looks so simple and quick, you've done it again, Kelly!! And Evie is just the cutest little model!!!
ReplyDeletelove the dress - I will make it into a top for my six-year-old today! Thanks Tone
ReplyDeleteI love this dress! When I look dresses made by you for little girls, looks so simple and easy, but I know that sewing isn`t easy. I will made for my little girl!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!
Love, Soffy!
SO precious! I'm getting ready to make some new dresses for my toddler for the spring time and I was toying around with an idea for a dress like this. Thanks for sharing! I love the button closure. The headband is adorable :) Maybe I'll make one for myself, because it won't stay on my little monster's head for more than a millisecond :)
ReplyDeleteYou've outdone yourself again. I love the dress. I love the outfit!
Awe, my little girl, 4 years came in as I was looking at this dress and she said I like the butterfly dress..... guess that means I need to go get some butterfly fabric and try my hand at this?!?! Hope she likes mine as much as she likes yours, lol!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is adorable! Great job and thank you for sharing! I really want to try this one for my 2 year old. Your daughter is gorgeous and just getting so big.
ReplyDeleteI've been lurking for forever, and rarely comment on any blogs I read, but that dress is so amazingly cute I am about to burst! I'm so going to order that fabric right now (yes I am a big huge copy-cat) and make one in every size for my daughter, lol. And while I've never been into more than small clips in her hair, I think this headband has won me over! I love it! Thanks so much for sharing. I am also so excited for you guys and your next appointment in Paris! How much fun will that be!?!
ReplyDeleteThis style of dress is so popular right now. Good thing I found a pattern that is similar for some easter dresses.
ReplyDeleteThe headband is adorable! I need one in pink. Can you put up some not on a head shots?
Very cute! I love that fabric.
ReplyDelete@Kristie, If you click on read more and scroll down you can see one just on the white :) I will hop on over to your blog and also let you know. Thanks friends for all the sweet comments! It is so nice to be "back" in action!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous dress. I love the fabric!!!
ReplyDeleteI love this dress!! The shape, the fabric, it's all sooo cute!!
ReplyDeleteI linked to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteABSO-FREAKING-LOUTELY gorgeous, amazing, and wonderful! I WILL be making this and hope that my little one will look as adorable as yours does! Way to go!
Just take the scissors and cut her hair. It's the simplest thing. I sit the little ones on the counter with their feet in the sink, looking in the miror, while I cut, or if need be, I have my husband hold a tiny child on his lap while I cut. The best thign about doing it your self (besides not paying someone) is that the child isn't afraid of the stranger who is touching and doing something to her hair. It makes it fairly simple that way.
ReplyDeleteI have 4 litle girls and 2 boys, and we cut everyone's hair at home (dh cuts mine). You just even out the mullet into a bob, and it's adorable when you're done.
This dress is beautiful! Why buy 50 euro dresses when your mommy can make you something so lovely? :)
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower, so you may have already answered this before, but I was wondering where you got Evie's shoes. They are so cute!
She looks absolutely ADORABLE!!! LOVE the dress and headband!! Great colors and fabric!! So wish I could make a dress like that!!! (=
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely darling! And...I think I might actually be able to make one:o) I have tons of fabric and two little girls who love wearing cute dresses (and headbands, too)!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to let you know we featured this on WhipperBerry today. Come grab a featured button if you would like!
ReplyDeletesoooo adorable! :) the colors, your sweet girl, the photos, the dress....ok. everything = adorable! :) so happy to have found your blog. Rebecca
ReplyDeleteSo adorable! I can't wait to make my daughter that dress and the headband. We too, are in the mullet stage of hair growth but if I evened it out, it would be back to looking like boy hair! Too bad my daughter also yanks out any hair accessories I put on her in about 2 seconds as well. That's not going to keep me from making that adorable headband though. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteEvie has grown so much! What a beautiful little girl. Not to mention the cute dres...
ReplyDeleteprobably a dumb question but when you do the bow do you just glue on the end of the bow ( the part with the triangles cutouts on the end)? Did that even make sense?
ReplyDeleteL-o-v-e the dress AND the story! My girls are the same way. M&Ms bribery didn't even work this weekend!
ReplyDeleteOk I cannot get over how precious she is!!! GORGEOUS!!! LOVE LOVE her shoes, too! LOL!
This is BEAUTIFUL! Your daughter is soo cute! I love everything about it! I'd love for you to link it up at
ReplyDeleteoh my goodness, how cute!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you for posting this! This made me brave enough to try and make a dress for my little girl, yesterday. It's slightly different than yours but your tutorial made it easier for me to visualize how to make mine. I love your blog!
I made this dress last night and it turned out great!! Thanks for posting!
so so sweet. I'd like to try something like this for my 10 year old daughter, what a perfect summer dress.
ReplyDeleteHad to show off your dress today, I do love it so! We are headed for vacation next week, I am just hoping I Have time to make one before then!
Thank you again for the inspiration!
Love this dress! Did you ever post the pattern?
ReplyDeleteI had my wisdom teeth taken out this weekend and your blog has totally gotten me through. Thanks for all the awesome tutorials and hilarious stories! Have a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteWere you ever able to upload the pattern pieces?
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tutorial. i made one for my daughter...
thank you thank you thank you...
This is totally adorable. So glad my rosette tutorial was put to good use :) Love your spin!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever want to share some of your creations on heartmade I would love to have you! You are so talented!
Its so pretty...! and thank youuuuuuuuu for the tutorial.. its so helpful..! <3
ReplyDeleteAnd i LOVE your daughter...! she's such a cutie...! <3
ReplyDeletebeautiful dress! Love the headband too. My Airlie would look gorgeous in that. Your Daughter is a cutie and looks like she enjoys being a little model.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this dress. I am new to sewing.. I have a 6 month old- do you think I could shrink the pattern in the PDF version to make a smaller dress? Any ideas? I really appreciate it! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteyour daughter is sooo cuteee :))
ReplyDeleteThe link for the felt flower doesn't work. Do you know where it went?
ReplyDeleteI love this!!!! So simple and understated and the instructions are super clear! I've posted my version over at my blog if you wanted to see -
ReplyDeleteSUPER CUTE outfit!!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you ever create a pattern to post for us who are too chicken to attempt it w/o one???
Hi, very pretty !! I love your pictures, what is the brand of you camera ?? thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteHi, very very cute and I LOVE your dress
ReplyDeleteThank you!
For the headband did you use like the stretchy elastic type?
ReplyDeleteThis dress is so cute! I don't have a Serger though, so how big should I make the seams?
ReplyDeleteIs there somewhere on etsy or such where I can just buy dresses with a similar style? I have been looking and looking for a cute dress like this for my nieces photos but have no clue what to search for (as far as style type). Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much.... found this on pinterest and love your tutorial. :)
ReplyDeleteOMG, this is so cute! I am wondering if you managed to create a pattern for this? I would love to try it, but am nervous about creating my own pattern...I am a total beginner!
So I totally just made this dress from your pattern (same fabric and everything) for my little girl for her first birthday. We're doing a butterfly themed party because of this dress. I have to admit this is the first clothing item I've ever sewed. I have no problem making quilts, blankets, etc but for some reason clothes terrify me. Thanks for making it easy to follow, even if I did have several "it's not going to turn out" break downs during the process!! Love all your tutorials and will definitely have to start making more clothes!!