Oh my goodness you guys! Today’s Paris inspired outfit is so ridiculously cute!! Shauna of Shwin and Shwin is kind enough to share with us today! Shwin Designs is the super adorable and right on trend pattern shop owned by these talented sisters. I have lost count of how many of their patterns I have sewn over the years and I ALWAYS love the results! Hop over HERE if you are looking for a fun weekend project (my personal fav is the maggie mae tunic here). You have GOT to hop over …. http://www.sewinginnomansland.com/2014/07/18/sizzling-with-the-shwins/
Today is a fun but also kinda sad day. Our guest today is the SUPER talented Lexi of Lexi Made. You can find her amazing projects (and stunning photography) on her blog HERE and she is also a contributor over at the Sewing Rabbit. Lexi is a girl after my own heart, in that photography is her main love (at least i think I can say that) and sewing is a huge fun support of that. I pretty much sew not just because I love to but ….
Say THAT six times fast ha! Today we have the lovely ladies of Simple Simon and co. Liz and liZ are incredible. There is just no other word for them. They just exude timelessness in everything they sew. On top of their flawless taste in sewing projects they also are the driving force behind Project Run and Play. The organization and kindness throughout my time in PRP made the competition all the more fun. I am so very grateful they were willing to lend their talents here on SINML and you are going to DIE when you see the cute tutorial! When you get a few HOURS to look over their amazing website hop on over HERE. You will be addicted immediately!
We have such a fun style inspiration post today from the lovely Suzannah of Adventures in Dressmaking! What I love about Suzannah’s blog is that her projects are always meant for the LONG term. So so so often I sew something and then wear it once because it ended up not be the style I love or because I just have no idea how to actually wear said item well. My favorite repeat posts of AIDM is the “how to wear it posts”. Okay, so you made an amazing but very unique outfit, nowwwwwwww how to wear it. Whenever I feel like I am getting into a wardrobe “funk” these posts kick me right back out again! Then add into it her gorgeous food photography (her IG feed makes me drool) and home decor posts and well, I am certainly hooked! Thank you so much Suzannah! . . .
I have been following Delia’s blog, Delia Creates for as long as I can remember and have loved watching her blog go from uh-mazing to what I believe could pretty much be top shelf magazine cover worthy every day. She makes the simplest of items looks just absolutely stunning in her still photography. I have now made all but one of her Crochet tutorials (I am getting to that last one ASAP). And every time she posts a sewing project I think, pardon my French, “oh man, I soooo want to make that immédiatement!” How she does it . . .
Our time in Paris is coming to a close. Our departure date was moved WAY up due to a very unfortunate event that happened earlier this week. Many of you have also commented asking about the absence of Wild Wandering. For the time being we have made our personal blog private until we decide how to move forward. Thanks for all your support in that area! To help alleviate the stress of moving and trying to keep the blog semi active during this HUGE transition, I called upon some of the super talented ladies in this lovely sewing world and asked if they would create something inspired by Paris in the summer, when it is sizzling. http://www.sewinginnomansland.com/2014/07/01/in-the-summer-when-it-sizzles/
With posting all these leather tutorials lately I am so happy that Leather Hide Store offered to do a giveaway! What fun is it to see all these fun projects if you can’t make them? The Leather Hide Store is offering a $50 dollar gift card for you to stock up on fun leather! All you need to do is “like” them on facebook HERE and then hop over and “like” Sewing In No Mans Land HERE, leave a comment saying what you would make with your leather and letting me know you “Liked” and you will be entered (if you are awesome and already “like” us both just mention it in the comments). This giveaway is only open to residents of the US and Canada. http://www.sewinginnomansland.com/2014/06/20/who-needs-some-leather/