Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The view here is gorgeous


I try to enjoy it as it blurs past
You know, stop and smell the roses
And soak up the gorgeous sunlight and cool breezes. I had almost forgotten what slightly chilled air felt like.
I sincerely hope your days have been as beautiful!
PS I thought about saying Caio but I totally don't want to be one of those people who think they are awesome and throw around local cliche's like they have lived here their entire lives ha! Plus even though it is REALLY how they say goodbye I feel like such a wanna be saying it, am I ridiculous?


  1. Ciao! I can say it since I live here, right?
    Love the photo of you and the not-so-tiny girl.

  2. fabulous pics! and you are silly, say ciao all you want, "when in Rome"!!! (just maybe don't say it at home! ha!) =)

  3. Ha ha, I am such a copier, I would totally say it! :) I agree with the statement "when in Rome'!! I am so very jealous of you, I hope you have enough fun for all of us who are enviously reading your wonderful (and beautiful) posts!!
