Friday, January 28, 2011

Won't you be my neighbor?

I have not been well these past few days... I dunno what is up by my tum tum has decided I am its mortal enemy. I will spare you any horrid details. To make matters worse our internet is completely out, gone, kaput. One of my neighbors was kind enough to let me jump on and email off a picture of my entry for this weeks creation for Project Run and Play. I was having a mild freak out thinking I spent hours and hours of work on a dress that would not make it to Micalah in time to be part of the week. Thank heavens for good neighbors!
Unfortunately the short amount of time and my not being able to haul my desk top over to her house means I won't be able to post the Mullet tutorial. I am so sorry and I thank you for being patient. I promise if your patient... it will come (new low for movie reciting lameness? I think so!) I did however put an email in to the lovely ladies at Sugar City Shop and I have decided if I don't hear back from them in a week I will release a pattern and tutorial for my version of the Village Frock. It does indeed as some of you lovely ladies pointed out, say clearly on their blog that they have no intention of printing anymore editions of the pattern.
We also finally got our bid list and lets just say we are less then thrilled totally bummed that none of the places we were really hoping for are on it. Don't get me wrong we will love where ever we go but I was really hoping for somewhere cool like Istanbul or Morocco (My mom and mother in law are probably gasping in horror right now hee hee). Don't worry ladies much to my dismay neither were on the list :)


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I know what you mean. My husband is in the Air Force and they have him fill out a preference sheet too but right now we live somewhere that was never on our list! :) Keep us posted!!

  2. I know the anxiety (and disappointment!) that comes with some person at a desk determining what and where is best for your family to go. You aren't heading to the embassy in Guyana, by any chance? ;) I can't wait for our 1st embassy experience! (and, yes, our parents are gasping in horror at us living in the 3rd poorest country in the W. Hemisphere!)

  3. Good luck with your new location!! My hub and I are stationed in Germany and though we love it after two years I think I will be ready to go again.

  4. Love your designs and sewing, but I can't wait for more posts on your life abroad.

  5. I just discovered your blog tonight and to my children's dismay have spent the last 2 hours ignoring them and reading post after post after post and bookmarking all of the lovely things I want to do! Seriously, I am in LOVE with your blog, your sewing style, your amazing overseas adventures and your wonderful writing ability! Thank you so much for sharing everything!

  6. Yes, more posts on living abroad! Do you know where your next stop will be?

    Cheers from Utah

  7. Any update on the Village Frock inspired dress?

  8. Bump! I was just gonna ask the same as Meg.. :)
