Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dasher and Dancer: Reindeer Antler tutorial

Target is the best, specifically their dollar section. During the Christmas season I would usually scoop up for or five pairs of reindeer antlers from this section. Since they only cost a dollar or so I never worried if they were broken and I let the kiddos keep them in their dress ups year round, tossing them when they broke. Well this year I can't just walk into the dollar section of Target and oddly enough (totally not odd ha!) there is no where to purchase funky christmas headbands so it was up to me to make them. While in Jakarta I purchased head bands for 15 cents each (yeah I know CRAZY cheap) and picked up some brown felt (which I then accidentally used to help make felt super hero eye masks, so we had to go back and get more ha!). I whipped out the glue gun and went to work. (I can upload the pattern I made for the antlers if there is interest :))
First  cut out four antlers. Then I needed a long strip to cover the headband but I only had two medium strips....
I wanted to make sure the largest antler would stay straight up so I grabbed a cereal box and cut a smaller version of the antler on it. Then I hot glued it to one of the antlers
I did not glue it to the matching antler but you could if you feel like it will help make it studier.
Sawyer and Finn loved their antlers....
Evie not so much ha! I made the mistake of giving her the bribe BEFORE taking the picture, whoops. For hers I just added a big red bow with wired ribbon.
Hope your get a slew of reindeers in  your house!!


  1. Thank you!!! I needed this, after the ones I bought from Michael's fell apart within 10 minutes of being home and on my daughter's head :(

  2. These are really beautiful pic's. In particular I love the last pic of your girl; you really should be a professional photographer.

  3. Two words- Perfect timing!

    The girls got the PB catalog and saw them immediately and wanted them! I even have all of the "ingredients" here to make them! Maybe this afternoon we can make this a fun project together!

    Love and Hugs, Jess

  4. Oh! they are adorable!
    I must try to do this (oh my, I have a to-do list that increases exponentially!)

  5. I am DEFINITELY making these tonight.

  6. you are just saw awesomely creative!!!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I would love it if you would upload the pattern. Those are so cute!

  8. SO cute!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  9. These are great. Can you please upload the pattern or email it to me at I would love to make these for my kids.

  10. I would also love the pattern, I used to have my kids put these and hats on for photos every year....but two have all grown up and moved away, my youngest might wear them for me though!!

    Thanks, Becki

  11. Thank-you! I needed reindeer antlers for my son's Christmas play and could not find any in the stores around here. You saved me!

  12. I would love the pattern you made!! I love these. Thanks for the tutorial
