Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Winners and New Adventures

It is Tuesday night in Timor! Let the winning begin! First for the toddler Christmas ties:
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holly said...

I love, love, love these. How exciting for 2 then each of my boys will have one. I am so thankful that you give patterns and tutorial because even if I don't win I still do!!!!

Yippie Holly! They will be winging your way and I hope they look sweet on your little men! 

Now for the Merry and Bright dress. Now if you don't win never fear tomorrow we will be taping together our fabric and cutting out our pattern. I am going to try REALLY hard to make this as straight forward and easy. I will be making my version in Christmas Red! The winner is...
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Jessica said...

I'm thankful for people like you who help people here in the US stay grounded and remind us that there is so much more to life than the constant commercializm that surrounds us. (I'm totally jealous that you get to live in the middle of nowhere)

Jessica, thank you so much for your kind words! I wouldn't be all that jealous though ha! Today I would have killed for a candy cane... I know silly but still. Some one grab a fist full of those mini candy canes and chow down for me :) I hope you love the dress and think of me when you wear it! 

Now as for the new adventures. I will be in the states for June and July next year. During that time I would like to participate in some Bazaar type activities. I cannot open an Etsy store because you cannot use Diplomatic pouch for items that are sold, so I have to take advantage of my time at home. Remember my question about tags? Well I had so many fantastic responses thank you soooo much! I picked an Esty vendor (I really wanted to support a momma, although I think I will be eternally jealous of the awesome Tags Dana had made they are so stinkin cute!) and then I realized that I really didn't want to put "Sewing in No Mans Land" on a tag so I had a dilemma. I was going to do a contest to have some help picking a name but then I thought of one I thought might be cute but I would love to hear your opinion. I think I am going to call the clothing line I sell "Found". I like how it correlates with No Mans Land and I love the feeling of having "Found" exactly what you are looking for and totally falling in love with something. I dunno maybe it is too generic. What do you think? Would you buy a dress I designed if the price was right?


  1. Found LOVE it, simple yet perfect...

  2. I feel like the luckiest person ever!!!!!!!

  3. Mom and I like No Man's Land kell, Found is cute, but No Man's Land is you- it is so unique.

  4. I think "Found" is okay but I really like the "No Man's Land" Suggestion

  5. I would most definitely buy a dress from you.

    I like the idea of Found as a clothing line name.

    Also, I wanted to say congrats to the giveaway winners and I agree with Jessica ~ your blog helps me keep perspective. 4 months back stateside it was starting to slip and you help me keep focused on my journey. Thank you.

  6. My votes "no man's land"
    BTW, where are you getting your tags?

  7. I like both, no mans land an found. And if I had money (I'm not an adult, I thought I should mention since that would otherwise sound weird) I would totally buy dresses from you! And, quick question, is there going to be a tut for the summerset dress? I really love it but I woulden't want to try without a tut.

  8. Never mind about the above question, I just remembered its the yorkshire one! Thanks any way!

  9. I like either suggestion, and yes, I would buy a dress (or anything else) designed by you if I can afford it. Good luck!

  10. I just love your blog! You are so creative.

  11. Love your blog, love your creativity, would buy your clothing. But don't like "found", sorry :) Said with a sensitive and kind heart.

  12. I absolutely would buy a dress you made! I do like "found"...it's mysterious but short and sweet. I too have pondered tag "names" a lot lately, so I can appreciate your dilemma :)

  13. Kelly, "Found" is cute, but I truly think "No Man's Land" is a bit catchier, esp the thought of a really feminine dress with that tag, IDK it just strikes me! But you choose, and yes, I would absolutely buy anything from you if my budget allowed it! =)

  14. If I can afford it, I will definitely be buying something from you!! I love "found", super cute.
