Wednesday, July 7, 2010

USS Mercy-- and a preview wink wink

There have been terrible storms on the island today making our internet pretty much none existent. My little Finn, when he heard the thunder, said "Mom, the monster is mad and is jumping a lot." Anyway, it made it so I couldn't upload all the pics for the tutorial I wanted to post. I was able to get one pic up though so here is a sneak peak of the knickerbockers I made.
Ha! Aren't they adorably hilarious. Funny story about the buttons, but I'll save it for the post. In other news the USS Mercy is coming to Timor in a few weeks. To learn more about the ship click HERE. I think it is AMAZING and am so excited to be able to work together with them to bring medical care to those in dire need here on the island. I have been mulling with the idea of making something for the children who come on the ship. I would really love to make something little to give them as they leave the doctor (I will be there photo documenting the visit). So, I have a "favorite" to ask you (that is what my oldest says when he actually wants to ask a "favor") I was just hoping you, my wonderful creative friends, might know of a good easy toy or nick nac tutorial I could use. I would like to find something I can make about 50 or 60 of. I have lots of access to solid fabric so anything involving that would be great. Thank you so much for your help or ideas! Also, my darling husband and I have been talking about the amazing offers to send fabric. I decided that if I receive any fabric it will be used to make something for the sweet children at the orphanage in our neighborhood (more on them later). I will absolutely do posts of what is made and include pictures of the children receiving the items. We are so very blessed already and I want to make sure that your being willing to share has as far reaching effects as possible ;) Okay, so fingers crossed the net is up and running tomorrow.


  1. I loooove those little pants! You are amazing!! What a fun adventure

  2. Ohhh, I just love your plan to use the donated fabric to make items for the orphanage!

  3. BTW, anything that is 13 oz or less can be shipped very inexpensively through First Class.

  4. What a great idea to donate!!! Can't wait to see more of you amazing sewing =)

  5. What about a little softie in the shape of different animals with an almost two dimensional look to them? Sorry if that is me at crystal.n.nick(at) if you'd like more details. lol. I can't wait for the tutorial on these pants; they're so cute!!!

  6. Those pants are so adorable!!!

  7. Hi. Love your blog - some great tuts! How about this one for fabric beach balls:
