Monday, July 26, 2010

Get ready to lick your lips... or whipe them rather

We have three winners!! Using these are the winners:

First place:
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Tracie and Jessica said...

Oh my goodness gracious Kelly these are adorable. Totally not lame at all. So far my favorite post is Shabby Evie dress. I've got 2 little girls and I love me some Shabby Apple! But I do read EVERY post and love when I sign on in the morning to a new post from you! Seriously I can't believe you found REAL burberry fabric that is one amazing find! Can't wait to see more girly projects!

Love and Hugs, Jess

Congrats Jess! Whoo hoo! Thank you so much for the kind words!

Second Place:
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I have been following your blog for a couple weeks, though this is my first comment. I just want to say that I've saved several of your inspiring projects. I especially love the little girl ones, since I have two daughters. Thanks!

Congrats and fabulous blog!!

Ladies, please drop me an email so I can post your prize! Our mail only goes out on Tuesdays so if you get it to my by tonight I will have them in the mail tomorrow! Thank you so much for all the kind kind words I really appreciate them and the suggestions for the future. If you didn't win don't worry because I have something AWESOME lined up for tomorrow! I am sooooooooooooooo excited about it! Please please come back and check it out, I promise you won't regret it!

I also wanted to put a little inspiration out there to stretch yourself further then you think you can. Yesterday I participated in the First Lady Cup 5K. It is a fundraiser that is held each year and the proceeds go to local orphanages and children's funds. The hubster is in Jakarta currently so I was on my own with the 3 Bubs. I really wanted to participate though and support Kirsty, (the first Lady) in her efforst. I bit the bullet and did the race with the boys in the double stroller and Evie in the Bjorn. It was amazing! Along the way I was passed up by several locals in their makeshift wheel chairs
and this little guy was so excited when I asked if I could take his picture
Sawyer kept urging me on saying "Mom you have to go faster or we won't get a trophy" ha! I just want you to know that you can always be part of something larger then yourself if you just look for the opportunities. I know most of the readers of this blog have children, if you are like me you want to raise them to be as conscientious of the world around them as possible. To be compationate and giving to those less fortunate. We have been blessed to raise our kids for two years in an environment where opportunities for service are around every corner, but even in the states there are plenty of options. When Sawyer was a baby I would walk with him in the wagon to the old folks home on the corner by our house. He brought so much joy to the people there just by smiling at them. It doesn't have to be big, you don't have to move mountains, just move yourself! Put those creative juices to good use!
(myself the cuties and the First Lady)


  1. Thanks for the beautiful and encouraging blog. It's good to be reminded that even small things can make a huge impacted on someones life! Thanks for reminding us and spreading the love! Happy Blogging!!!

  2. You're so right. When I eventually have kids, I want to raise them to help others. And can I just say that your family is precious! I can't believe you did the race with all of them! Impressive!

  3. You are amazing!!! My gola is to be able to run a whole 5K and you did it with three kids : ) I will stop complaining now, thanks!!!!!! I love your blog, I stop by to be inspired often. Have a great night~
