Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Deal

Kelly field closeproof
Hi! My name is Kelly. I am currently living in Dili, Timore Leste (East Timor, to most of the world) a tiny island off the coast of Northern Australia. My husband works for the US Government here so our families are diplomates to the country for the next two years. To learn more about Timor you can click HERE. The short version is it is a VERY war ravaged nation who only won it's independence a decade ago. They are a wonderful people although incredible impoverished. The majority of the capital was burned to the ground but it is slowly being rebuilt. When I came to Dili we were allotted a certain amount of weight for items we wanted to bring with us. The few items that were undebatable were my sewing machines, my camera and a heap of fabric. Well, I ended up with a little under 15 yards of fabric. The local “fabric stores” only carry solid colors or mildly hideous floral prints. This left me with a challenge. Although we have diplomatic pouch, making it so we have a US address and anything shipped to us costs the same amount it would if we were living in the states, I decided to see how long I could make those 15 yards of cute fabric last, and what new patterns I could make up.
The Rules
I can only use fabric I either brought with me or is sent to me by friends, family or readers. (Fabric sent from readers will be used to make items for the orphanage in our neighborhood) The only fabric I personally can purchase must be found locally. This does include when I am on vacation (They have some cool fabric in Bali!). Once the fabric I brought with me is out that is it, I have to make due with only local items. I am considering this a Global Experiment in Sewing and hope to get lots of feed back and suggestions. We will be moving every two years with a month back in the states in between so things should get pretty fun as I find fabric all over the world. Thanks for checkin it out and leave a comment, I love to hear from you!
PS The names used in this blog (aside from my own) are fictionalized. They are all names we had in the running when we had our cuties but we went another way.


  1. Amazing idea!!! I can't wait to see all the fun stuff you make all over the world!!! This is going to be fun to be a witness to =)!!! Good Luck!

  2. I will be watching. Glad I found your blog!

  3. I love this project! Can't wait to see what fun things you come up with. Glad I found Ya!

  4. Hello! so glad to have found your blog via the u create spotlight!

    what a fun and interesting project and life you have going on! I can't wait to see what else you create!

  5. Oh, very cool! I will be following! I have the exact same life situation as you (and when I say exact, I mean "very similar except I buy TONS of fabric via APO & pouch" :), but I can sympathize over the lack of local fabrics & supplies. Very excited to see what you do!

  6. Saw your spotlight on the ucreate blog and had to stop by! Good luck with your 15 yards!

  7. Will you be giving us your address so we can send you some fabric? :)

  8. Your blog is going to be great to follow!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  9. Hey Kelly! Couldn't find a contact form so I'll leave my little post here. I run Chirpy Designs on etsy and and while I don't have a ton of fabric I've got a little and I'd like to donate 4 yards to your cause! Why 4 yards you ask? 'Cuz that's what I can get in a flat rate envelope. Email me at and let me know what you want you can pick 4 different all of one print or mix it up really there aren't any limitations!

  10. I found your blog today on Ucreate, and I love it! What wonderful, creative ideas you have! And I can't imagine only having 15 yards... you are a better woman than I! I agree with a previous commenter... will you be sharing your address so we can send you some fabric? =)

  11. I agree with all of the above, I would love to share some fabric :) What a treat to see your little beauty in something I could send, and get a good tutorial out of it to biit! :) Its a win win lol

  12. Great Idea!!!!! I can't wait to watch and learn : )

  13. This is an awesome idea..I will be following your progress! Good luck!

  14. best of luck to you! i am glad i found your blog, and i hope you guys have safe travels. what an exciting job and experiment!

  15. This is so exciting! I'll be following along - I love the unique perspective.

  16. Wow. I am officially smitten with your blog. I love the tutorial but I also love how visually pleasing it is. I can't wait to see more!! I have a daughter about your daughters age and a boy who is 5 so I love to see how you dress them...adorable. Keep it up

  17. I am your newest follower!! I am soooo excited to have found your blog! Your tutorials are amazing and I am so inspired:)

  18. Hi Kelly, what a great idea not to forget how amazing your travels must be. :) I keep stumbling upon your wonderful blog and today it's official...I'm a follower! I guess you can say I'm hooked. I enjoy your tutorials and reading about your travel endeavors, your pictures are amazing as photography is something I am just starting to dip my toes into. I can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  19. Adorable! I just found your blog.. It's so lovely!

  20. just found your blog from gross grain, I'm from Indonesia :D, and I could imagine the situation in Timor :), and btw I just download your pattern, thank you very very much!

  21. I also found you blog from grosgrain, I looove it and I've read it all! Can't wait to try out some tutorials...

    hugs from Brazil!

  22. Just discovered your blog thru a friend. Not only am I impressed by your idea! ,(inspirational when I think about how much fabric I have just sitting there in my stash), but I love the idea of you making clothing for the orphanage.....Whne the dust settles here, in the not too distant future, not only would I like to try out some of your patterns/tuts, but I would also like to be able to send you some fabric asI know it would be used for such a great cause..... where would i send this ?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Besides your sewing talents, willing to share and give is what I can see in you. You are such an amazing woman with a big heart. May God bless you abundantly and endlessly.

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  26. This is Amazing..You are such an inspiration to so many:) I hope that all is well for you and your family. Take care:)
