Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine Coodie Catcher

When I do a photo-shoot with children I usually try to have something for them to hold in their hands. Photo-shoots are usually awkward enough for children with out having to figure out what to do with their hands. For my valentines shoot I decided to make Carmen a Valentines themed coodie catcher.
She loved playing with it and I thought it turned out pretty cute! It is great practice to take something like this and practice shooting on with a very low aperture. You can fiddle around and have fun focusing on words or hearts...
I thought some of you might have fun with it so you can print the Valentine Coodie Catcher HERE. Simply print it out and fold it up. I created it so everything will end up going in the perfect spots.


  1. cute idea! and good pointer ob having them hold something while doing a photo shoot, i find my daughter's arms can get so awkward. I am just waiting for it to warm up enough outside so we can have some good lighting again! Argh...

  2. Is that your Valentine's dress?!? Oooohhhh I think we have a winner! I can't wait to see it!

  3. I think I am going to print them out for my BUNCO girls tonight. IT will be a fun throw back for us all.

  4. Thanks! My girls just recently discovered the joys of the cootie catcher! Will print these out right away!
    And thanks for fixing the right click thingy!

  5. P.s. I featured you today because i big {heart} and I mean really BIG {heart} your blog
