Sunday, January 23, 2011

Project Run and Play Week Two: Sweet Little Dress Pattern

This week on Project Run and Play we were asked to take THIS pattern and do with it what we will. This is totally ironic because this is one of the first patterns I ever downloaded. I think it is adorable and Evie and her good buddy Gwyneth have a slue of dresses made from this pattern. I had been searching and searching for downloadable patterns and Leila and Ben was one of the only places I could find cute ones. This is what originally sparked my desire to start a blog offering free downloadable patterns. So I am not putting it mildly when I say this pattern and I go way back. This actually made it kind of hard though because after making it so many times I really wanted to do something totally new and fresh, without changing the pattern drastically (which I think is the whole point of the challenge, make it fresh without creating a whole different dress). I originally made an entirely different dress from the one you will see today, I really should take a pic so you could see it. It is cute, BUT I felt it was a pretty run of the mill, anyone could make it type dress and this time I wanted to be more edgy, more rough around the edges, more couture....but still cute. Well, as you know by now (from THIS post) I LOVE bustles. The bustles and the "edgy" collided and I came up with this:
I was describing it to a friend and I said "well the front will have a tiered cravat, with unfinished messy edges and the rest of the front is very plain, but the back is all crazy fun. She looked at me and said "ah, like a mullet" HA! So, I lovingly joke that this is my mullet dress. Oh how I love my mullet dress.
I love the orange and the purple, the covered buttons, the raw edges
I love that Evie can still run for tasting looking rocks to eat... okay maybe I don't love that she is eating rocks :)
Even though I know they aren't part of the judging I am so excited about how her accessories turned out. Specifically her shoes.
I am gaga over Joy Folie shoes (I mean to the point where I was trying to make up excuses as to why I needed to fly home to the states so I could attend Jessica's class at The Makerie) and FINALLY was able to order a pair, alas they are boots and won't fit Evie until next year. BUT everything else is always sold out. I decided that wouldn't stop me and I set out to make my own pair. What I love is that they actually hold their shape and are nice and sturdy. I am just warning you that there will probably be a lot more posts about shoes around here ha!
Okay tangents aside I hope you think the Couture Cutie dress is as adorable as I do.
Or at least appreciate the 6 layers of ruffles and the hand pleating
Which I believe is at it's cutest when she is bent over ha!
I totally would have loved to make a bunch of these for my nieces for flower girl dresses (you hear that Claire? No pressure or anything, but when you find the right guy wink wink)
If nothing else Evie gets a kick out of it!
If you have a moment and would like to vote for the Couture Cutie dress and check out the other entries simply click HERE and you will be taken to Project Run and Play.


  1. So precious! I love the little shoes!! Such a Couture Cutie! =)

  2. I had no choice but to vote for you! It's beautiful! It looks like so much work! Well done again Kelly!

  3. Wow!! That is adorable..and I love the shoes too!! Cant wait for the posts on the shoes:))

  4. Absolutely beautiful! The accessories are the perfect finish!

  5. OMGosh Kelly! This is beautiful! I absolutely love that bustle...and the colors are amazing!! Good job girl!!

  6. *ABSOLUTELY* Adorably Stunning!! I love it! I'm right with you on ruffles and bustles! Please, could you do a tutorial? I know you can't do a pattern, but could you tell how you altered it and attached the bustle part? So darn cute! You got my vote for sure!

  7. Oh my! This has got to be one of the cutest things ever! I almost wish I was a tot so I could wear one without getting funny looks!

    -Many Smiles!

  8. what a adorable dress!!
    what did you use for the soles on the shoes so they wouldn't get worn out.. sorry mom thoughts =)

  9. I know, I thought this challenge was especially suited to you. How many of these dresses have we made?! HUNDREDS!!! I love what you did with it, I love the colors, I love sweet Evie, and I love the shoes. I noticed you have some stiff competition on the Project, but my fingers are crossed! :)

  10. what an incredible outfit! I love your blog!

  11. Too stinkin cute! :) I love it and voted for it. And for what it's worth, I'd be happy to see some posts about shoes! :) Good luck
    Love and Blessings

  12. I love your style. And bustles. :)

  13. oh my goodness this is ridiculously cute!! awesome job. heading over to vote!

  14. Okay, last week the competition was stiff.... but this week is all YOU!!!!! Love it :)

  15. This dress is just adorable! I hope you win! Will you also post about the shoes?

  16. Your dress is definitely THE best of the bunch! Love it, so cute!
    And I adore the shoes.

  17. I can not believe the time that had to go into that dress! I totally appreciate that!

    My fav is the shoes. So you just blog to your hearts content about those - I'll devour every word!

  18. OMG - LOVE the dress! I make shoes too and I'm addicted! My little Eva wears a different pair daily. She's not walking yet ... do you mind sharing what you used for the soles? Pretty please?! :)

  19. First I have to say that deciding which one to vote for this week was REALLY REALLY hard. Specifically, between yours and two others was the worst to try and decide between! Buuuuuuuut I ended up voting for yours. I LOVE the color combination, the unexpected ruffled bustle, and the pleated ruffle the most. I think I might have to steal this. Actually, I know I have to steal it. ... sorry! The only change I think I'll make is to make the pleated ruffle all the way around the front too. :-D BTW, you did a great job dying the orange fabric! LOVE it!! So gorgeous. ... And you can feel free to make things for either of my girls and send them to me whenever you want. ;-)

  20. I am in absolute love for this dress...I have 4 girlies and love unique dresses. Will you sell me your pattern??? I know where to find the basic dress pattern...but the bustle is what I will need instructions for.

    Glad I found your have inspired me to start sewing again.

    Hope you win this round. You've got my vote.

  21. So, so adorable! You are so talented!

  22. OMG I love this dress! I voted for you on the play and run project!!! i busted out laughing when i read the Mullet Dress! Plus, those shoes are soooooooo dang cute!

  23. Oh wow! I was scrolling through all the entries, and this one definitely popped out at me! I love it!

  24. I love the dress. I just had to become a follower of your blog after seeing you last week and this week over at Project Run and Play. You are such an awesome seamstress.

  25. to DIE for!!!! you are genius!


  26. Love this! I just finished a project that I added pleats to the bottom of a basic design - makes me wish I had thought to add ruffles to the backside! Adorable model, too!

  27. I hope you could make a tutorial of this entire outfit i'm in love seriously I want to go make this dress right NOW!!! :) amazing as usual


  28. This is so cute!! I was afraid of doing bustles until I did my sister's wedding dress on which I did a bustle/ruffle, but in the front and now I'm trying to find excuses to put them on a lot of my projects.
    Thanks again for sharing your talents and projects with us.
    ~ Claire

  29. Once again you were my favorite! Love, love, love the back of the dress!!! I really hope you have more posts on the shoes. I myself am a Joy Folie fan but my first pair that I tried to make like hers did not turn out like yours did! Nice work again!

  30. this is an adorable outfit, so creative!!! Your little Evie is just precious, great photography too!!

  31. I love it! This is my go to blog for Easter dress ideas. I spent yesterday making a frosted pane bolero for my oldest daughter, now I am thinking of this bustle peeking through the back feature for my niece. I love ruffle butts for little girls! I voted for you!

  32. THIS! THIS is the most adorable dress yet! Awesome.

  33. Love it! Voted for the mullet! SHOES!!!!

  34. SO Stinking adorable how could I NOT vote for you?? And the shoes, oh the shoes. You must share...

    BTW do you ever sleep? I swear! :) Thanks for everything- I mean everything you post!

  35. Can you do a tutorial on the shoes?
    Love reading your blog!

  36. Love's just too AWESOME!! Of course voted for you!!! And I'm with everyone else....tutorial please!!!!!

  37. This is absolutely fabulous!! I linked onto your blog from Project Run & Play. I had my mind made up on voting for someone else, but this dress has changed my mind for the better!
    Please oh Please do a tutorial, I have a nearly 2 year old girl that would look fabulous in something like this! I am now becoming a follower of your blog also :)

  38. I love, love this dress! As a mother of 2 little girls myself, I would LOVE to learn how to make it! Great job!

  39. Wow!! I have been reading your blog for a while, but haven't posted. I couldn't resist this time. I can't wait for the tutorial. I went ahead and tried to make a pair of shoes too. I can't wait to buy a pair. I will wait until the hard sole are available though. Thanks for this great blog

  40. Oh, I just finished mine for my little ones 2nd birthday, I can't thank you enough. It was perfect. as usual great tutorial. You can check it out if you like here
