Sunday, December 19, 2010

Seventh Day of Christmas: Massive Migraine

Today I have been battling a horrible migraine and I am just not going to be able to get a post up. I am hoping I can squeeze "swans a swimming" in on another day. I am trying to remedy the link to the PJ pattern by uploading it to google docs (as one fantastic reader suggested) as opposed to Media Fire. It has just given me way to many problems. I am bummed to have to skip today but if you have ever had a migraine you know exactly how incapacitated I am feeling right now. Off I go to a dark and quiet room. Hopin' your day is much livelier!


  1. I get huuge migraines too, so I know how you feel. Hope you get much better soon!

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Sleep and heat are the only things that cure mine. :( Hopefully you can get some of both! I sewed myself a rice bag from a sew-mama-sew tutorial and heat it up in the microwave...then I lay down with it on my head and fall asleep. :) Good luck!

  3. I have never had one but my SIL and hubby have both been just laid flat by them. I hope you feel better quickly!

  4. I can't believe you posted at all with a migraine...I get them too, it's the worst thing in the world!
