Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Second Day of Christmas: Two Turtle Dove Ornaments

I am so excited to share with you todays tutorial! We will be making Dove ornaments thanks to Meg from Elsie Marley. If you haven't been to Elsie Marley you are in for a treat! Meg has the most fabulously classic taste. Her creations are original and she always has the most succinct and clear instructions! Today is no exception. I thought her felt Dove ornaments were perfect:
All you need are a few strips of felt, a needle and thread, some embroidery thread or if you want to mix it up like me some twine you have laying around. 
Although I think it would look better in pure white like Meg's, as opposed to off white like mine. When you are ready to start making them jump on over to Elsie Marley for the quick and easy instructions! 

Thanks for letting me share Meg! 

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, you're so adorable and SO talented. My word. Love all your sewing projects. And i had to leave a comment on Leah's blog after I saw your comment about my sis's wedding dress. My mom is SO amazing and the things she sews are just out of this world. I wish I had learned a thing or two from her, but I refused to pay attention growing up and swore I'd NEVER sew things for my kids. Can you say "regret"?

    Enjoy your sunny Christmas and it is FREEEEEEZING here. Came out of nowhere and it's NOT pleasant. Keep the entertainment coming@
