Monday, November 8, 2010

Marlie & Me... oh and her Mom and Dad too.

The photo shoots have been stacking up and I just had to share some of my favs from yesterday morning.
Meet little Miss Marlie.
I LOVE her name, it fits her perfectly. She is always a big rolly polly ball of smiles.
I have been anticipating this shoot for months now {she is a jet setter already and had a trip to London and Oz that postponed it}.

Monique is such a sweet lady and organizes playgroup every week for all us English speakers on the island at her lovely compound.
She even did it while she was preggers with Marlie which I think it serious dedication. There are just so many that I love....
Of course the net decided to stop cooperating before I could upload any family ones. Bhummas. I am in the midst of a HUGE project for ya'll. Just think a 28 page pattern, yeah it is taking me soooo long but I am so excited. And hopefully you need a new holiday dress that looks almost exactly like THIS one.  Speaking of which, voting is continues for the Shabby Apple design, If you haven't already I would LOVE your vote. All you have to do is leave a comment HERE that you like #12. I would really appreciate it! Here's hopein' your Day Light Savings hour was blissful!


  1. Lovely little girl! Great photos!

  2. So sweet little angel!

    I just went on a Shabby Apple shopping spree! I passed on this dress for a couple more practical every day dresses so I am SUPER excited to see and attempt one for myself!

    BTW making an adult version of your necktie for the hubby for our family pics this year!

    Love and Hugs, Jess

  3. Beautiful photographs of a way to adorable little sweetie pie!

  4. Ooooh...I can't wait for that dress tutorial. What a pretty dress!

  5. What great photos, you captured the beauty of the mother daughter relationship. And PS - I want that skirt the baby has!!! Lol

  6. Beautiful photos!!

    Please excuse me while I munch on Marlie. nomnomnomnom She is so adorable! :D
