Friday, November 12, 2010

I Am Thankful Giveaways: Merry & Bright Dress

I love the month of November. Partly because in Timor it means we receive all the local holidays {5} plus all the American holidays {3} which equals a lot of time off. But mainly it is because of Thanksgiving. It is my Hubby's favorite holiday, he always comments that it has all the good things that Christmas has (food, family, joy) without the stress of buying presents (spending hoards of mola, wondering if they will even like it etc.). I tend to agree with him, but not enough to switch my favorite from the Fourth of July ;) Anyhoo, I feel like our family has been overwhelmingly blessed this year. One of those big blessings for me has been this blog (oh no, I am gagging on a big ball of cheesiness). I honestly believe it is what has saved me from feeling completely isolated creatively here on the island. I wanted to say thank you for being such fabulous friends and so I am going to be doing a series of give aways tied to tutorials. Each item that I give away will have a tutorial and pattern (if needed) posted after the giveaway is started. That way if you don't win the item you can still make it for yourself! Most of them are knockoff of items I would LOVE to have this season. So far I have 3 Mommy sized dresses (1, 2, 3), a gorgeous blouse, 2 Anthropologie knockoff ornaments, a toddler girl's christmas dress, and a set of boys christmas ties to give away. Phew! When I type it all out like that it seems like a lot ha! All you have to do to win the items is leave a comment on the give away post. You can mention what you are thankful for this season, where you will use the item etc. You can be entered another time if you post on your Facebook about the giveaway, another time if you mention it in a post on your blog ;) AND the big shabang you can enter yourself TWICE if you go HERE and vote for my Shabby Apple Dare to Design entry #12. (Put two comments saying voted on Shabby Apple, if you already voted for mine do the same thing) Just make sure to leave separate comments each time telling me what you did! And be honest, Santa is watching! With out further ado I give you the
Merry and Bright Dress
This is a knock off of Shabby Apple's Nantucket dress. I LOVE how it turned out.
I love the details in this dress. The cuff sleeve, the gathering and pockets....
The fantastic big sash and bow...
And of course always my favorite, the over the top collar
Now it does cut low (my mannequin is a hoochie ha!)
And I am not going to lie this vibrant purple was hard to pick a color for a cami under it and shoes to go with it. I went with a black Cami and light yellow heels. There are probably much better combinations but um, this was at 7am and at that time my brian is mush.
(I look like I just sucked on a lemon in that picture ha!)
I would say this is a size 6 but I am pretty bad at guessing sizing. But just think, if it is the wrong size for you it will make a great gift! I also serged the hem and then did a simple stitch to keep it up so that who ever wins it can easily hem it to the perfect length for them. The entire dress is serged so it will last a long time, although I must tell you I only have white serger thread so don't wear the dress inside out ha!! The tutorial and pattern for the dress will be posted this weekend. Oh and I just have to mention that this dress cost me 3 dollars to make!!! 3 DOLLARS!!! (Every time I thought of this I had to say out loud "I want my two dollars" which I think wierded out our housekeeper) I had mentioned before that I was going to do 3 dresses for 3 dollars each and this is the first one! The giveaway will be open for 5 days ) closing on the 17th. I hope your Veterans day was lovely. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by veterans in my family, my hubby, father, father in law, 2 brother in laws and a sister in law, so yesterday was full of offering thank you's for me!

PS. I am looking to have "No Mans Land" clothing tags made, if you know anyone who does a nice job and is affordable please email me. I feel a bit overwhelmed when I look on Etsy etc. There are just so many talented mommas out there I want to support them all!


  1. Being Veterans Day, I would have to say I'm Thankful for all the service men and women all over the world!!!

  2. Oh, I would love this dress! This season I am quite thankful that I wouldn't fit into it, but it would be lovely inspiration to get back in shape post-baby this spring.

    taliastravelblog (at) gmail

  3. This is gorgeous and would be perfect for new years parties!

  4. THis is absolutely beautiful. The color is gorgeous on you.

    I'm thankful for my family, for without them, who knows where I'd be.

  5. I would love the color of that dress, it would be great for many occasions! I am thankful for my ability to sew and to create!

  6. I also voted for your fabulous outfit on Shabby Apple! Good Luck!

  7. I'm so thankful for my sweet husband. He is such a blessing to me and I'm so grateful he is back from his active duty out of state!

  8. This dress is beautiful- This season I am thankful for my husband and for the hard work that he does and I am also thankful that the board exams that he has to write are almost over!!! Yay!!

  9. I am so thankful that now I will be the "belle of the ball" at my husbands Christmas party since I will be wearing the most amazing dress!

    Oh and I voted for your dress ages ago :)

  10. I would love that dress - it's beautiful!

  11. I didn't understand - am I supposed to leave two separate comments saying I voted on Shabby Apple? You can delete this if I did it wrong :)

  12. Leave it to Dana to have all the answers! Here's a post about the labels that MADE uses:

    Beautiful Dress!

  13. I would love this dress! I would wear it to my hubby's work Christmas party and look smashingly wonderful.

  14. I voted for you on Shabby Apple

  15. I voted for you on Shabby Apple

  16. I am thankful for my 6 month old baby. At the beginning of 2010, Drs said he would die. Berfore birth, but he didn't. He has his challenges (his completely deaf amoungst others) but he's not dead! He bring s me, my husband and jis older brother sooo much joy. I am so thankful for his life.

  17. Love love love the dress!

    Today I am thankful for my husband because I know how many bad guys there are out there and he's not one of them!

    I order my labels through this site:

  18. What a beautiful dress. It would be great for holiday parties.

    I'm thankful for my family. I have a generous husband and a precious daughter. We all have our health, and I am thankful for that, too.

  19. this dress makes me HAPPY! ...and I am thankful for happiness; winning this dress would help spread the JOY! may your family be blessed with happy, happy, joy, joy :)

  20. happy, happy, joy, joy! I voted #12 on Shabby Apple :)

  21. I am thankful for my husband and daughter and for my husband's job. I know so many people are looking for work right now and are really struggling.

  22. I voted for your dress on Shabby Apple!

  23. Ok, this dress is gorgeous, I'm not gonna lie it would be a gift for ME:)

  24. And guess what, I'm a dork and when I read your post at first I didn't realize you told us which design was yours, I just thought we had to guess, well I voted for the one I liked the best, and after reading your post again, I realized it was your design, #12!!
    Beautiful job:)

  25. And here's my 2nd entry for voting...

  26. I love this time of year for alot of reasons. The number one reason is it forces us to remember what we are thankful for. We dont get caught up in day to day life and have time to simply remember. Maybe that will be my new years resolution to try to remember everything I am grateful for every day... Anyway I love love love the dress! And it might actually fit me!! Yippee! If not I know soo many Mommas that would be equally grateful to receive such an amazing handmade dress!

  27. You KNOW I had to vote for you dress on Shabby Apple!

  28. Hehe, I've quoted that line a million times myself -- just pretend that your housekeeper is the weird one, right? I was going to suggest Dana's post too, but guess I don't need to now! Oh, and thanks for your entries in the Copycat Challenge, they are all adorable! I think one or two didn't have your inspiration photos labelled (although it's obvious which ones they are), so you may want to add that so the judges don't count you out!

  29. The purple is stunning for this time of year. I am thankful our country has been kept safe by so many dedicated individuals and their families.

  30. I am thankful for flannel sheets. ahhh heaven on a cold night

  31. voted for the best dress ever. That would be number 12

  32. I normally do not love purple, but this dress is downright gorgeous. I'm looking forward to the tutorial so much. Lovely.

  33. i love this dress! I'd rock it for Christmas celebrations. gorgeous!

    oh and i bought my custom labels from this shop & she did a GREAT job!

  34. voted for your shabby apple dress! bustle bustle i love bustles :)

  35. voted for your shabby apple dress

  36. Wow, I love this dress!

    I just ordered woven labels from Diane at Custom Couture Label Company. They make them in the US, so they are a little more expensive than some other companies. But great quality!!

    I also have some folded tags that are just printed, not woven. I got those from Jennifer's Jewels on Etsy. She's really great to work with, and the labels are nice. They don't have rough edges like woven labels sometimes have, so I like them for my daughter's clothes.

  37. Very gorgeous dress! Take note to myself that, even so you can make and wear! Thanks for the pictures!

  38. Love the dress. Love it. I order tags from jennifersjewels on etsy. So soft and fabulous quality. Wouldn't go anywhere else for them.
    I'm so thankful for surprise pregnancies that bring soft, beautiful bAbies. I now have four children under the age of five and I'm grateful for each one :)

  39. Voted for the shabby apple dress

  40. Wow, that dress is adorable! I'm thankful for my husband and little boy. They bring me so much joy.

  41. This is so lovely and it would go well with the wrap top I did some time ago... I
    I got my labels at this shop

  42. Gorgeous dress - unfortunately it would only fit me for about another month before my pregnant belly pops! But what a month it could be - lol.

    If you are interested in making labels, while you are shopping for professional ones you can make your own. Found a tutorial here that I had bookmarked a while back:

    Good luck!

  43. Gorgeous dress, I never wear purple but this is so beautiful. Thanks for the chance!!

  44. Dress is beautiful. I am so thankful for many things, our savior, my family... But, I am also very thankful for people like you. Generous enough to share your talents with us and even a pattern and a tutorial. (all for free) I'm thankful to be able to do things I love without spending much money!!
    hollydonahue at hotmail dot com

  45. ofcourse I voted for the dress!

  46. Would have voted even if not persuaded, but I'm all for the extra chance!!!
    hollydonahue at hotmail dot com

  47. So much gorgeousness! The dresses are both lovely! The ornaments are darling1 That shirt though! Oh my! I am waiting for the tutorial! I never sew for myself, but this may just motivate me enough to do it!

  48. LOL! I was so excited about the tutorials (I'm thankful for those!)I forgot to say what I'm thankful for! I am thankful that my family has just about made it through my husband's month off from work after surgery. And I voted for your gorgeous dress!

  49. I LOVE this dress super cute!!!!

  50. Good luck with the Shabby Apple contest..I voted..

  51. wow! that is completely amazing! i love it! i would definitely wear it this holiday season :)

  52. The dress is pretty!!
    Lovely idea... A very good reminder to help us remember what we are thankful for!!!
    I would give the dress as a gift to a special friend:)
    I'm thankful right now for my two joyous boys! At 3 1/2 and 1 1/5 they keep mommy smiling and having fun:)

  53. I have already voted for your dress at Shabby Apple:):):)

  54. I am so thankful that I have my health and my children are healthy too!

  55. "I want my two dollars...."
    Gotta say, you just made my day.

    :) Beautiful dress.

  56. That dress is gorgeous. Such a bold color in all the right ways.

    I am thankful for where I am at right in this moment. There are a lot of things going on in my family-life that are depressing and awful, but that's just the place I am supposed to be right now. I am learning to embrace the rough seasons, knowing they shape the person I will be tomorrow.

  57. The dress is absolutely beautiful! You are so talented! I am thankful for my family and friends, they are what makes my life so great.

  58. Ahh, such great creations...I'm thankful for a beautiful family and a baby girl who makes my day.

  59. I totally voted for your dress...there's nothing like a bustle.

  60. Another comment for the dress vote.

  61. Oh this dress is to die for and I'm thankful that you are going to give it away!

  62. Kelly, that dress is GORGEOUS! I love it! Good job!! Oh and I totally voted for your dress!

  63. Oh I voted twice for your dress!!

  64. Stunning color and the price was right! I'm thankful for my family, they're priceless!

  65. what a beautiful dress!! I love the color! Great for the holidays which I am grateful for because it means lots of family time!

  66. And, I voted for you on Shabby Apple...luv luv luv the dress!

  67. I love your blog. I think it is a wonderful way to get to know people. Thanks for all the wonderful reads. I am grateful for my husband who works hard for his country and my family who loves me so much! And i just got to tell you, the clothes you make are beautiful!

  68. I voted for you on Shabby Apple.

  69. What a beautiful dress! The color is PERFECT! Today I am thankful that my preschool twins still take naps =).

  70. cute! I love shabby apple and I've always wanted to buy the dress, but not bad enought to spend that kind of money on it. 3 dollars sounds like a better deal ;) Hope i win!

  71. Check out this post on the Made blog to see where she gets her clothing labels:

  72. I am thankful that we can soon start our domestic adoption. :)

  73. So cute! This year I'm very thankful for my healthy baby boy. After a too-exciting arrival in August we're glad that he's growing big.

  74. I am thankful for everyday I have and all that I can learn while I am here.

  75. You are so talented, the dress is beautiful!

  76. I would wear this on my anniversary date with the hubs. I think he'd like it:)

  77. Gorgeous! I would love to win this dress. :)

  78. Beautiful dress and beautiful color! Sarah skubinski at mac dot com

  79. I voted at Shabby Apple! Sarah skubinski at mac dot com

  80. What a beauty! I am headed to vote at shabby apple right now!
    kelleyetg at

  81. I am thankful for people who share their wonderful ideas.

  82. I voted for your dress on shabby apple (and it really is the cutest one by far)

  83. Posted about the giveaway on facebook!!

  84. I'm thankful for 75 degree weather in November!

  85. This dress is 3 bucks! What? My kind of dress project for sure! :) Beautiful job. YOu are amazing.

  86. I love it! And I'm finally a regular size 6 again after my 2 kids made my body not what it used to be! I'm thankful for that! Also, since today my daughter and I were thinking of things that start with the letter N that we're thankful for (every year we make a thankful turkey and add feathers using each letter of the alphabet that say what we're thankful for) I'll mention today that I'm thankful for noise because without it, I wouldn't know how heavenly silence can be.

  87. Oh, so many wonderful things you're giving away! I'm very, very thankful to live near much of my extended family.

    And thank you for entering me in the giveaways for these beautiful items!
    mrs_apple_juice (at) hotmail (dot) com

  88. Just voted for you on Shabby Apple!

    One thing I am thankful women like you, who take time out of their mommy duties to post blogs for beginner sewers like me!! Your blogging has given me inspiration and the tutorials give me the ability to branch out past pillow cases :)

  89. I am thankful for my family! And I'm thankful for all of the talent in blogland!

  90. Beautiful dress and I love the color!

  91. The dress made me gasp with the sheer loveliness of it. I am thankful for the rain today even though it spoilt some party plans but we need the rain here in Aus.I love the smell of the garden after it has just rained.

  92. I'm thankful for my sweet husband who is so supportive and helping me get through grad school....and for blogs like this that serve as wonderful study breaks!

  93. I voted for you at Shabby Apple. Good Luck! :)

  94. This dress is stunning!

    I love Thanksgiving too, but my reason is because of the terrific feast!

  95. I'm thankful for people like you who help people here in the US stay grounded and remind us that there is so much more to life than the constant commercializm that surrounds us. (I'm totally jealous that you get to live in the middle of nowhere)

  96. Beautiful dress, and gorgeous color!

  97. Beautiful dress! This would be perfect for my sister!


  98. Yay for wonderful giveaways!!! I am SO excited for this! This dress is beautiful!

    My reason to be thankful is my little family. We are having our struggles financially this holiday season, but they always remind what's important!

  99. I'm thankful for my son and I would love to wear this to a holiday party.

  100. Posted on FB


  101. Voted for your dress


  102. Voted for your dress


  103. this is SO beautiful! I would wear it to christmas eve dinner - and throw "standard" holiday colors out the window! thegreenestgrass32 (at) gmail (dot) com

  104. Blogged about this too! :) Here is a link:


  105. Thanks for all of the beautiful inspirations. I so look forward to each of your posts! The dress is wonderful.

  106. Beautiful dress! I would wear this for my birthday dinner in January, purple is my fave color :)

  107. I am thankful to have a hubby in the United States Armed Forces, even if it means I have spent the last year + raising my four kids virtually "on my own."

  108. oh, and I voted for fabulous dress #12 on Shabby Apple! ;)

  109. that is a gorgeous dress. and good job on making it for only $3.
