Monday, July 19, 2010

{I am Freaking out!} Free Patterns for my tutorials

An updated pattern list will now be found on the "Patterns" page, see you there!
Alright, I have some BIG news! All weekend I read and worked and figured it out... I know how hard it is to sew with out a pattern so guess what? I totally figured out how to make digital patterns this weekend and will be offering them to download as PDF files with each tutorial! (As long as it isn't a refashion... I think that is pretty common sense though ha!) For now I want these pattern pieces to be FREE because I think there is a need for people to have access to fun patterns no matter where they are in the world. Plus I started this blog to feel more connected, not as a monetary endeavor. Please feel free to make whatever you like with them to sell, give away, keep forever.... The only thing I ask is you do not sell the pattern pieces themselves, those remain my property. I know there is no real way of stopping this so I am just asking on your honor. Every time I make a new pattern you can find it here. The list will simply continue to grow! Keep in mind that unfortunately these patterns are made for my kiddos, or me so they might only work sometimes as a guide or you may have to use a copier to enlarge them to get the size you want. Oh my goodness I am just too excited. Let me know what you think and if you encounter any hiccups. I am slowly getting caught up and hopefully will have everything I have done available by the end of the week. I am trying to make everything print nicely on 8.5 by 11's. Some patterns will require several pages (and possibly use all your ink hee hee sorry about that). Hope this helps you to make exactly what you see here in your own home :)


  1. You are super generous. Thanks for the great patterns. Now a question: What program did you use to make them? I always see the digital patterns on other blogs and am so curious. I just haven't had the time to do the internet research.

  2. I used photoshop and a scanner. I think I do it the ghetto method. There are programs out there that are fabulous but WAY out of my price range... of zero dollars ha!

  3. Your excitement is super contagious! Thank You for your generosity!

  4. The ghetto method is the best method! I'm going to put my first pattern up in a few weeks, I think it took longer to figure it out in photoshop then it did to make the pattern.

  5. How wonderful and exciting! I look forward to it, I am such a beginning sewer than I am almost always intimidated!

  6. How wonderful, thank you! I stumbled across your blog from your post on luvinthemommyhood - added you to my reader & cannot wait to see what else you create!

  7. Thank you so much for your generosity. I can't wait to get started.

  8. Thank you for all the great stuff on your blog. I have only found you tonight and i still have heaps of exploring to do....

  9. I am super excited to use these patterns. Especially the women dresses. It just stinks I have to wait to do them since I'm preggo. I love your blog
